Righteous indignation

Tim Kelly

To the editor:

It never ceases to amaze me at how hypocritical those that engage homosexual behavior truly are.

They rant and rave about the so-called hate of those that disapprove of their behavior, but their hate is somehow righteous?

They find nothing wrong with death threats lodged against Dr. Laura Schlessinger by their cohorts. How hypocritical.

Matt Schuler took “All men are created equal” to task in his intolerant diatribe of April 20. He wails that the homosexual community is not asking for “special rights.” Really?

If not, then why do they not campaign for ALL sexual orientations to be elevated to “protected class” status as all races, ages, national origins, religions and both genders are?

If that’s not asking for special rights and preferential treatment, what is?

Mr. Schuler rails against religion and blames it for death in the world. Maybe, maybe not. However, we have demonstrable proof that specific sexual behaviors/lifestyles/orientations ARE dangerous to the public health.

Those include pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, and homosexuality. Not once did Mr. Schuler or Ms. Sarah Schweitzer show that homosexuality is a healthy practice.

If you question that, refer to the California Department of Health AIDS Surveillance Report. Eighty percent plus of all new HIV/AIDS cases are linked directly to male homosexual behavior.

Enough of the politically correct garbage about transferring bodily fluids — the predominant method of transmission is male homosexual activity. Doubt me still? Check out the Centers for Disease Control statistics.

Mr. Schuler rails against conversion therapies and claims they are shams and unreliable. Hmmm, Alcoholics Anonymous is also a conversion therapy to help alcoholics leave a destructive lifestyle. Their tactics and procedures yield the same success rates as conversion therapies — one-third stop drinking completely, one-third report some improvement and one-third report no change at all. Is Alcoholics Anonymous a fraud and failure as well?

What Mr. Schuler and Ms. Sarah Schweitzer demand is silence and censorship. They desperately don’t want people to leave the ranks of the homosexual community.

To date, there is NO scientific proof of homosexuality being genetic. None of the studies reported by the Daily or other press outlets has survived the critical scrutiny of peer review.

The law currently provides passive tolerance of homosexual behavior. It should NEVER require acceptance, affirmation or legitimization. In order to achieve Mr. Schuler and Ms. Schweitzer’s goal, it requires the elimination of the freedom of religion clause and lets the state dictate what religious beliefs can be.

No religious faith in the world condones homosexual behaviors. While Mr. Schuler and Ms. Schweitzer rail on against Christian beliefs, they are silently gunning for the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and many other religious faiths as well.

Tim Kelly

