Warm up to queer tendencies already

Mitch Day

To the editor:

In James Long’s letter to the editor, he suggested that the reason for intolerance toward gays is because of gays’ “in-your-face” attitude.

I would ask him what it is that gays do that is more “in-your-face” that what heterosexuals do?

If the picture in the Daily of two men kissing had been a man and a woman, there would not have been any inflammatory responses in the opinion section.

When I walk on campus, everyday I see a man and a woman holding hands, or a man and a woman kissing each other as they part for class. Do these actions seem “in-your-face?”

Yet some suggest that when the Daily prints photos of gays doing the same things, the Daily is trying to desensitize everyone.

I have been desensitized to the heterosexual world all of my life, even though I live in a homosexual world, and I am tolerant of it.

The real reason there is intolerance is because of lack of exposure to positive gay images. If it takes a picture of two men kissing to get people warmed up to the idea that ten percent of the population has queer tendencies, then so be it.

Mitch Day


Physics and mathematics