Fallaciously rife

Karl Von Uhl

To the editor:

A recent letter in the Daily regarding Jesse Dirkhising and the under-reporting of the violence gay folks do is rife with fallacies. Nate Hurst states that the violence two gay men did to Dirkhising was not covered because the media are held in thrall by gay people, thus the violence gay people do is not reported. Hurst is wrong.

Dirkhising’s story received state-wide coverage in Arkansas, where the incident occurred. For Dirkhising, sexual orientation was not a motive for the violence done.

For Matthew Shepard, it was the reason he was murdered.

Comparing the two is like comparing fish with bicycles.

Using Dirkhising’s story to illustrate and perpetuate the lie of a “liberal” media is an insult to Dirkhising.

As far as the media not reporting the violence gay people do, one is compelled to wonder where Hurst was during the media blitzes for Jeffrey Dahmer and Andrew Cunanan, not to mention John Wayne Gacy Jr. and William Bonin.

If Hurst and other anti-gay bigots could honestly and fearlessly assess their prejudice, perhaps there would be less of it.

Karl von Uhl

