Throwing copper

Benjamin T. Rittgers

To the editor:

I am not going to just give my 2 cents, I am going to throw pennies all over the room. I am going to criticize Rev. Fred Phelps, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Ally Alliance and the Daily.

Last week the Daily printed large pictures of drag queens and two men kissing. The excuse for this was that LGBTAA deserves their share of coverage.

However, the Daily printed this to sensationalize homosexuality. It was not journalism; it was LIFE magazine. Pictures in a newspaper have two purposes. They amplify the related article by providing visual input, and they get readers to read the related article. The pictures the Daily put in the paper did neither.

I did not find an article related to the pictures. Therefore, I can only believe they were put there to sensationalize the story. The Daily should limit pictures to the size of the text in the article. The captions for the pictures do not count.

LGBTAA members call everyone who believes homosexuality is wrong hate-mongers or something to that effect. I believe homosexuality is wrong. However, I do not hate homosexuals. What people do in their own residence is there own business, and so are the consequences of that behavior. I do not care, nor do I want to know. I have the same right to believe that behavior is wrong as they do to commit those acts.

And finally, there is Rev. Phelps. I first heard of him on the Phil Donahue show. He proves that anyone can have a Web site. Sarah Schweitzer said in her letter that this nut was going to burn the flag of Iowa. He has to be stopped. He is going to burn YOUR flag. Now that is really true evil. We cannot have this nut burn our flag.

Apparently this man (from what I heard on “Donahue”) had lost all his marbles. Since people can’t take him seriously, he decided to burn the Iowa flag. I am angry about what this nut is planning to do.

As far as his beliefs on homosexuality, he is way in left field. This is the man who harasses the families of dead relatives. He obviously does not know when to quit. He should quit before he decides to burn a flag that represents the state of Iowa.

Benjamin T. Rittgers


Computer science