Inflammatory and wrong

Gary Rimar

To the editor:

While I could have responded to several points in the two heterosexist letters recently published in your paper, I am going to focus on only one point in one letter.

Peris Chamberlain, freshman in electrical engineering, should know that scientists and engineers only make statements that are provable as true.

His statement “gays are destroying our heterosexual unions in America” is not provable or even sensible.

Don’t believe me? How is anyone’s marriage “destroyed” by two guys or two gals who aren’t a part of it? If gay people were getting heterosexually married and then divorcing, there would be a complaint.

The people Peris is complaining about, however, aren’t trying to live a lie. For that, Peris’ saying gays destroy heterosexual unions is simply inflammatory and wrong.

Gary Rimar


Shelby Township, Mich.