‘Gay plague’ fliers embarrassing

Amanda Melita Green

To the editor:

I attended the March 30 presentation made by Judy Shepard, mother of Matthew Shepard, who was killed in October 1998 by people who hated him because of their lack of tolerance.

We heard from a mother who was speaking, not to justify her son’s beliefs, but to open our eyes to the narrow-mindedness of some people.

I was embarrassed, as a Christian ISU student, to find a person handing out fliers after the presentation regarding God’s opinion of homosexuals and discussing “The Gay Plague.”

It is these very people who tend to quote the Bible who encourage hate and lack of acceptance of one another.

I think these people who claim to be so close to the Bible would have been better received by Mrs. Shepard’s audience that night if their message was one of forgiveness and love rather than condemnation.

Why not use the passage John 6:37, which talks about how Jesus opens his arms to all who come to him if they seek him?

The passages I have seen referenced also include adulterers, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers and those with impure thoughts.

I think everyone falls under one of these categories, so who are we to judge one another?

The actions of the people passing out fliers that night were, in my opinion, both disrespectful and obnoxious.

If you are going to teach the Bible, please make better decisions about the lessons you want people to hear and how to better represent your fellow Christians.

Amanda Melita Green


Liberal arts and science