Don’t blame God

Katie Staber

To the editor:

When I first came to school here three years ago, I only read the Daily for its horoscopes. However, lately I have been following the opinions of the readers on the homosexual controversy.

In reading most of the responses, those in favor of and those opposed, I noticed a lot of talk about Christianity. Many people are opposed to homosexuality because they are Christian and so they believe it’s wrong.

Actually, a lot of the responses were they HAD to believe it’s wrong. My question to you folks is WHY? Because God said? Because Jesus said? Because the Bible said?

If you choose the last response, you probably think that slavery is okay as well and that demeaning women and putting them in their place is okay, too?

Many things change over time. Cultures change, societies change, religion changes, the world changes, and in my opinion, mostly for the better. Life is not simple, folks, but please stop blaming your ignorance on a book or a religion. You’re in college so think for yourself, experience for yourself.

P.S. I too am a Christian.

Katie Staber


English education