So that was Veishea

Editorial Board

So… that was Veishea, huh? Great.

It is hard to say what the best part of Veishea was this year.

It was either the grotesquely overpriced carny food or Channel 8’s shameless pro-administration coverage of the parade.

Veishea looks more like the old Soviet May Day displays of might than a student-run celebration, but we have all gotten so used to “Veishea Light” that it is hardly worth arguing about any more.

There were some genuine high points this year.

The Black Eyed Peas were something of a surprise to the people who actually went. Current estimates are around 400.

Stars Over Veishea’s production of “Into the Woods” seems to have hit the mark more than it missed.

The carnival was good.

D.L. Hughley performed for a packed house at Dew the Rec.

A lot of people worked hard and they deserve a proper “thank you” from the rest of us, so let’s get that out of the way.

Thank you for all your hard work.

But Veishea’s glory is fading fast. Soon it won’t even be worth commenting on by those who actually remember what it used to be like.

A springtime celebration should have an element of celebration to it.

Bars in Iowa City were offering specials for ISU students because, unlike the days when University of Iowa students came to Veishea, there is now a significant flood in the opposite direction.

The letters used to flood into our office. People felt passionate about the changes in Veishea.

This year, there was nary a one. This must look like success to some who confuse silence with winning. Far from it.

If students were all about Veishea, we would get letters to that effect.

Is this acceptance or complete apathy?

Besides those people who work hard on their floats and booths and barbecues, students, by and large, no longer care whether Veishea comes or not.

It is just a good weekend to leave town and let alumni and Ames residents walk around in the deluded belief that they are being hosted by thousands of happy, content students.

If you believe Channel 8’s Kevin Cooney, everything is all right, students just love Dr. Jischke and nothing is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Funny how the Channel 8 cameras and commentators failed to see the students with signs just south of the Campanile.

So Veishea seems to be a great success. Just don’t go taking your head out of the sand, and everything will be just fine.

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Sara Ziegler, Greg Jerrett, Kate Kompas, Carrie Tett and David Roepke.