Borre’s letter shows his ignorance

Bai Di

To the editor:

Scott Borre’s April 24 letter shows his obvious ignorance in terms of China human rights issues.

First, he seems to take for granted that the United States is on a higher moral ground to check a sovereign country’s human rights status.

If he feels very comfortable with the United States being an international police force, he has every right to do so.

However, he should first know that the United States does not have a very decent human rights record either.

Secondly, Mr. Borre totally misses the point by listing infanticide of female babies and denying religious freedom as the examples of China’s violating of human rights.

Killing girl babies is a capital crime in China. As for the freedom of religion, the best way for Mr. Borre to have a total picture is that he goes to China meeting Buddhists, Taoists and Christians.

Bai Di

