Gays hate plenty

Tim Kelly

To the editor:

Gay rights groups consider themselves victims of hate merely because most people consider homosexual acts immoral and disgusting.

They call Dr. Laura Schlessinger “the queen of hate radio” because she has called them sexual deviants. But it’s clear that they hate her far more bitterly than she hates them, and they are waging a campaign to prevent her from getting a television show.

In fact, Dr. Laura has been forced to cancel her public speaking engagements because of death threats from the homosexual community. Where’s the hate really coming from?

In fact, it would be hard to find a more hate-crazed group than the gay rights movement as a whole. It hates any religion that condemns sodomy, dismissing a moral code as old as Moses and bigotry; it desecrates churches and delights in obscene insults against Catholic prelates like New York’s Cardinal O’Connor, without rebuke from the progressive minded (translated in English: mentally incompetent). While demanding tolerance, it displays none of its own.

There is no better evidence of its own sense of defilement than its love of defiling others; self-respecting people don’t behave with such an utter lack of dignity. The civil rights movement wouldn’t have succeeded if its leaders had mooned those Southern sheriffs.

Many of the people who like to bemoan hate actually thrive on it. They ascribe it to their enemies with a priggish confidence that they are immune to it, no matter how vile their own conduct is.

Opposing special rights and preferential treatment for the elective private sexual behavior of homosexuals isn’t hate, it’s common sense.

Tim Kelly

