Elian wears on my patience

Jim Torrie

To the editor:

The Elian Gonzalez controversy begins to wear on my patience. I suggest a litmus test for further serious comment by advocates for any course of action: Reverse it.

I’ll accept as valid suggestions in either direction, but they should be the same for the following hypothetical situation.

A male American citizen and his custodial daughter try to sneak into Cuba and the man drowns.

Relatives of the six-year-old fatherless girl in Cuba seize custody of her, an American citizen, despite the insistent demands of her American citizen mother and of the American government for her immediate return to her native country of citizenship.

The international news media, Cuban and American government agencies, courts, politicians, and local political activists become involved and riots are threatened. If advocates admit that their proposed solution must be the same in both situations (either return or retain the child), I will try to fairly hear all arguments.

But until then, the disputants are not discussing the same issues and Elian’s welfare is not being given first priority, in my opinion.

Jim Torrie

