Anybody remember Valentine’s Day?

Lindsey Marvin

To the editor:

First, I would like to commend the Iowa State Daily on its decision to print the picture of the two males kissing during reverse Campaniling last week. It took guts to print something that would surely cause controversy, and I thank you for going ahead and doing it. You helped bring awareness, which was the point of Awareness Week 2000.

Second, I would like to address the letters to the editor written in Wednesday’s paper. Homosexuals are not sexually challenged; they know their sexual preference. Being homosexual is not a choice they made. The choice they made was to act upon it and to find love with someone of the same sex — just as you yourself did not choose to be heterosexual but do choose to act upon the feelings that come along with being heterosexual.

I would also like to remind them of the “in-your-face” heterosexuality in the Valentine’s Day issue of the Daily. A picture was displayed then of a male and female kissing. Did anyone ever ask the homosexual community about how they felt about it? Probably not. Did they complain and write nasty letters to the Daily? I sure don’t recall any letters addressing the picture or questioning its worth.

I pray for the day when our country is “desensitized to gayness.” The day that we no longer have to hear the voice of intolerance will be a great day for this world. Have you ever really known someone who is gay? Has it ever been your uncle or your best friend? Have you ever thought about the day when it turns out to be your uncle, best friend, child or cousin? For their sake, I hope that day never comes, but if it does, think about all the reasons why you loved or cared for that person before you found out he or she was gay and remember that. Until then, don’t pass judgement because you don’t know the people inside of them, and as long as you keep the attitude you have now, you never will.

Lindsey Marvin

