Rickert wrong

Sarah Schweitzer

To the editor:

Mr Rickert you are not going to like me by the end of this letter and frankly, I don’t care.

1. It is not “Alternative Relationship” Week, it is Awareness Week.

2. I have seen those two gentlemen kiss before, and you are right; I didn’t really need to see anymore, however if it makes you mad, GREAT!

3. If John and Mary Q. Public don’t want their child going to a college because of all those frigging “queers” I don’t want that child on my campus if he or she feels the same as her parents. It is scary enough for me without one more hate-filled person. Nor do I want money from John and Mary. I would rather do without than to take money from someone who hates me because of the gender of the people I love. My love is stronger than their hate.

4. I see nothing wrong with being a left-wing school of debauchery. It’s better than being a conservative school with nothing better to do than dictate everything a student can do, say and be.

5. I read Newsweek and I read the Des Moines Register. It is not the Daily’s fault students often do not care about world news, nor do they go out of their way to find out.

The Daily’s job is to tell us what is going on around campus and the opinions of the students.

6. The LGBT communities would be happy to accept any and all donations.

7. Last, but not least, where is my copy of the gay agenda? Did it get lost in the mail?

Rickert, Fred Phelps (you know, the guy who runs www.godhatesfags.com) is gonna be in Des Moines this Monday and he is going to burn the flag of Iowa to condemn us all to hell.

You might want to show your support for the man. I think I am going to show my hate for him by staying home watching Xena on cable and let my anti-hate vibes roll.

Sarah Schweitzer



Former President