Apparently college can’t make you smart

Matt Schuler

To the editor:

I would like to pose a couple of questions to the children who wrote to criticize the Daily for the recent, extensive, positive coverage of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues and events.

Do you realize that if it weren’t for uninformed people like yourselves, there would be no need for the Daily or any other form of media to have articles and photos such as the ones to which you are opposed?

Also, did you know that you are not required to read articles to which you do not relate? Did that ever occur to any of you?

Finally, what is it about you that allows you to believe all the myths and falsehoods about LGBT people? It makes more sense to listen to people who experience living as a member of the LGBT community than believe someone who spouts erroneous information based upon that which people centuries ago did not understand? Seems like the tens of millions of LGBT people around the world would know what they are talking about.

You’d think higher education would result in having an open mind toward the way the world really is. I guess these letter writers have proven that being in college does not make you smart.

Matt Schuler

