Wheller is the one playing God

Matthew Oehlerking

To the editor:

In a letter published April 10, Sarah Wheller criticizes James Long, Mark Davis, Nathan Swanson, Peris Chamberlain, Kyle Mehmen and Matthew Schaefer for their April 5 letters.

In her letter, she says the Daily has “a duty to serve not just the majority of students, but all students.”

By her own comments, she and all those who wrote in condemning these students should not have written in to the Daily. She says that the Daily should present opinions of minority groups “no matter how small one specific group of people is.”

Again, she is saying these six peoples’ opinions should be heard and accepted as what they are — opinions. I am not condemning her for writing her opinion in support of a minority group. However, just because we have to see and recognize minority groups does not mean that we must ignore the opinions of the majority.

Sarah Wheller closes her letter by saying that people who are filled with hate, such as the six listed above, should “shape up or shut up!” Does she mean that anyone who writes strong and emotional letters that she does not agree with should not share their opinions? If so, she is the one who is playing God, not the people she is responding to.

Matthew Oehlerking


Computer science