People do hunt with handguns — get your facts straight

Todd R. Melcher

To the editor:

In his letter of April 4, Tom Blair states that “nobody hunts with a handgun.”

I have to point out that this is typical of someone attempting to speak with authority on a subject that he knows absolutely nothing about.

Sorry, Tom-old-boy, but there are thousands of people who hunt with handguns.

There are several states that have handgun hunting seasons, Iowa included.

There are many handguns designed specifically for hunting and target competition.

If you are going to talk on the subject of guns and gun control, you need to arm yourself with more info than the pabulum that you are fed by the likes of Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Tom Vilsack, 60 Minutes, etc.

In other words, Tom, try listening objectively to both sides.

Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot, you don’t need to research anything, the “Talking Heads” will give you all the info you need on gun control; no need to think for yourself.

On the subject of trigger locks, regarding the 6-year-old in Michigan, Tom, what part of “stolen gun lying on bed in a crack house,” don’t you understand?

Do you really think that these people would really be responsible enough to use a trigger lock, even if the person from whom they stole the gun from would have provided one?

I’ll bet that Bill, Al and the governor never told you that in the 31 states that now allow the issuing of concealed carry permits, violent crime has dropped drastically.

Now compare that with the states with the most stringent gun control, such as Massachusetts, New York and California, to name a few.

Just where are they on the violent crime scale, hmmm?

Near the top, shall we say? Yes, without a doubt.

I’ll bet that the talking heads didn’t even tell you about the assistant principal in Georgia who stopped one of our famous school shooters with his own legally owned hand gun.

Nope, didn’t mention that part, did they, Tom?

There are over a quarter of a million recorded incidents a year when firearms are used to stop or prevent violent crimes and defend lives and property of innocent people.

The crux of the matter, is I don’t like my rights as a citizen of this great country put in jeopardy by a few irresponsible low-lifes, mental midgets and your statist heroes.

Let’s start campaigning for responsible behavior and punishment of the guilty instead of going after law-abiding citizens, and please, please, Tom, do not try to speak knowledgeably about something of which you have no clue.

Todd R. Melcher


Military science