Casting stones

Kristine Noppe

To the editor:

On April 4, Rev. Spitz wrote the Daily condemning the LGBTAA article from March 28.

I am not a lesbian or bisexual, however, some of my friends are. I support them because it is not my place to judge others.

They are my friends. I care about their happiness. I am tired of my friends having to hide who they are because of closed-minded hypocrites.

Is their gay lifestyle really affecting you?

Homosexuals are no different from you or me. However, they are shunned and ridiculed because of their sexual preference. There is no excuse for it. Unless you are directly affected by someone else being gay, keep your nose out of their business.

If someone in the gay community is going to hell because the gay lifestyle is sinful, then where are those of us who are straight going?

None of us are without sin. Anyone who believes that homosexuals have been so sinful that they will be condemned to “eternal hell fire” needs to remember the whole idea of Jesus dying for all our sins, not just the straight people.

As a spokesman for God, Rev. Spitz should be promoting peace and understanding, not hatred and intolerance.

I will not sit back and watch as my friends are condemned to hell by “a man of God” or anyone else for that matter.

As for those people who look down on the gay community as sinners, remember, “he who is without sin may cast the first stone.”

Kristine Noppe


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