
Tim Kelly

To the editor:

Since the late ’60s, homosexuals have effectively waged a well organized, highly aggressive disinformation campaign with the purpose of clothing their debased, perverted lifestyle in a veil of respectability. With the onset of AIDS, that veil has been ripped away.

People who believe homosexuality is an illness must stop apologizing for their criticism of homosexuals. Nor must people be put off by homosexual activists crying foul for “using” AIDS to promote traditional sexual morality.

If nothing else, the countless deaths from AIDS have proved that arguments for a homosexual lifestyle are biologically unsound and intellectually dishonest.

States author Gene Antonio, “The Pied Pipers of the homosexual liberation movement have led hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions to an impending AIDS death.

They have promised their followers Nirvana and have led them instead into the abyss of depravity and despair. The entire homosexual movement has been a form of biological mass suicide.”

Homosexuality is not a lifestyle. It is a deathstyle. Many will be offended by these statements, and I will be called cruel and inhumane. This is backwards.

It is not an act of cruelty to point out the facts. True compassion can only come with acceptance of reality. A disease can only be cured after it’s properly diagnosed. It is not these statements that are offensive. What is offensive is committing pathological, perverted acts in the name of “love.”

What is offensive is a long, cruel, extremely painful and humiliating death with no possible hope of a cure. Death and disease are offensive, not words. Each of us must face this situation soberly and honestly. Not as an observer, but as a participant.

As we each come to know someone dying of AIDS, we will be forced to deal with this crisis on a personal level.

I have had two family members and several fraternity brothers die from this horrible disease that was a result of their elective lifestyle; however, that will not change my belief that their behavior is unhealthy, immoral and unrespectable.

If that prospect seems painful, remember, the very foundation of our society and the continuation of the species is at stake.

As Dr. James Slaff of the National Institutes Of Health says in his book, “The AIDS Epidemic:” “The alarm must be sounded loudly and persuasively.

The AIDS virus may be to the 20th century what the Black Plague was to the 14th century. We are on a crash course with reality. This is not a practice run.”

This does not mean we pour billions into research to find a vaccine. This does not mean we celebrate a deathstyle akin to smoking; it means we help people struggling with homosexual sin to leave the lifestyle.

Tim Kelly

