Jerrett, don’t be liberal to be cool; do it because it’s right

Jason Reed

To the editor:

Greg Jerrett shared with us in the Feb. 25 edition his dislike of the YAF’s methodology.

I was shocked when Jerrett made the following comments, “I think it’s in bad taste and not because I disagree with the message. I’ll state that up front. I’m all about abortions.

“When the population of your planet hits six billion and the majority of people living in poverty in the United States are children, something has to be done.

“No one gets a partial birth abortion for fun. It isn’t like a day at the state fair. You don’t abort a fetus at 31 weeks because summer is coming and you want to look good in a swimsuit.

“There are invariably good medical reasons to get late-term abortions and even the staunchest of pro-choice advocates wouldn’t say ‘what the hell, go for it’ a couple of weeks before the birth, no matter what the opposition might like you to think.”

These comments have no real bearing on the issue. The issue of abortion is decided on the status of the unborn. If the unborn is a human being, then the taking of an innocent life follows.

The taking of an innocent life is called murder. If the unborn is not a human being, then abortion is sometimes a necessary procedure to save the life of the mother or used to relieve the horror of a rape.

Mr. Jerrett, the question before all of us is: What is the unborn? For the pro-life advocates the unborn is a human life — not potentially, but actually.

Hence they are exactly what their name says: PRO-LIFE. They are not interested in controlling other people’s lives or choices. They are in the business in standing up for those who cannot protect themselves. That is the essence of compassion and love — to protect the weak and helpless.

Right-wing conservatives that I know love people, and from that love, they fight for the unborn person.

I am sorry that the pictures of the fetuses were grotesque. However, those gross pictures are a sad portrait of the moral depravity of our society. We live in a country where the most dangerous place to be is in your mother’s womb. My wife is 21 weeks pregnant, and we can see the baby kicking already.

It is insane that we can kill this child LEGALLY!

If you are going to go liberal, do it because you think it’s true. Do it because you think the unborn is not a person. But you had better have some awfully good reasons for thinking that, or you are in danger of taking a serious subject too lightly.

Don’t do it because you think you have to compete with Iowa City or because some conservatives are extreme or because it is cool. There is nothing cool about being immoral and wrong.

Jason Reed


Iowa City