How have I survived without ‘special’ guidance?

Brad Lucht

To the editor:

I’m a little confused. The Department of Residence has a policy of anything goes regarding table tents in food service, yet the same Department of Residence has strict censorship guidelines regarding what speech can be posted on a dorm room door.

Of course, 20 years ago ISU dorm students could post whatever they wanted to on doors, walls, bathrooms, whatever (this was a quaint custom called “freedom of speech”).

We could also move readily from dorm floor to dorm floor or from dorm to dorm without a series of passkeys (freedom of association).

Isn’t it wonderful the administration knows what is best for you? Which ideas you should be exposed to, which people you are allowed to interact with?

Makes me wonder how the heck I’ve managed to make it through life without this very special kind of “guidance” the administration offers today.

Brad Lucht


Kansas City