Those are club sports, big difference

Kelly Hart

To the editor:

I am writing in regard to the letter titled “Sports Bias,” by Beth Engelbert, which appeared in the March 22 Daily.

In her letter, she pointed out that the last six games of the men’s hockey team received no mention in the Daily.

I just wanted to make a note of the fact that the men’s hockey team is not a varsity sport.

It is simply a sports club, just like the Waterpolo Club, the Sailing Club, the Badminton Club or my favorite, the Equestrian Club.

The fact that the men’s hockey team gets mentioned at all in the Daily already gives it an advantage over the dozens of other sports clubs that never get mentioned.

Personally, I think the Daily should devote a weekly column to profiling these sports clubs.

Sports clubs are a great way to meet people with similar interests. You can learn more about your favorite sports and get a chance to practice them.

Many clubs even give students the opportunity to represent Iowa State and compete intercollegiately.

This is a great opportunity to be able to compete without having to possess the skills of a varsity athlete.

However, many students miss out on these great opportunities that sports clubs offer because of a lack of information.

They probably have never heard of many of these clubs, and I find that to be very unfortunate.

Kelly Hart


Chemical engineering

President, ISU Equestrian Club