Moss so bad, I wish his brother were back

Jason Taylor

To the editor:

It seems to me that for being a journalism major and assistant arts and entertainment editor, Kyle Moss doesn’t do much research at all.

Just when I thought that his columns couldn’t get any worse, Monday’s piece made me wish that his older brother was back writing about Vanilla Ice.

I quote Kyle: “‘Supernatural,’ which won album of the year, took the hip-hop approach, having guest musicians on every song, meaning that Santana didn’t really write crap from that album.”

Now, I didn’t quite believe this statement, so I decided to do a little research on whether or not Mr. Carlos Santana contributed to the writing of his latest album.

I did not have to dig very deep.

In fact, all I had to do was open up the album, look at the credits for each song, and see that Carlos DID play a part in writing quite a few of the tracks.

And I should remind you that even for the songs that he did not write, each and every guitar solo played by Santana on each track is 100 percent original Carlos Santana work.

Anyone who knows anything about this guitar legend knows that no one can just write a guitar solo for him.

It comes directly from his soul, and that is what makes him one of the greats.

Moss also states that when Santana was writing his own albums, he was ignored by the music industry, and he was given awards for “Supernatural” to make up for “lack of recognition in the past.”

Moss also failed here to research the fact that Santana did not write ALL of the songs on previous albums that were ignored, just the same as he didn’t write all the songs on “Supernatural.”

Besides, why would the “music industry” suddenly feel guilty about ignoring him in the past and just give him lots of awards?

They didn’t.

They gave him lots of awards because the music was good. And this time, they realized that.

I would suggest, Kyle, that from now on you might want to research, and think, before you put the pen to the paper and give us this garbage you call your column.

Otherwise, you might someday have a difficult time finding any publication besides the Iowa State Daily that would even consider employing you.

Jason Taylor

