Vote common sense

Tom Blair

To the editor:

I am writing this letter because, in the last few days, I have heard and read many other people’s opinions about the school shooting of a little girl by a little boy in Michigan and an editorial cartoon that appeared in the ISU Daily.

In the cartoon, a little boy stands with a smoking gun in his hand, while a little girl is depicted dead on the ground behind him. There are many who have criticized the cartoon. There were many who were angered by the cartoon. To those individuals I say your anger is misplaced.

We as a civil society ought to be angered at the Republican lead Congress that refuses to take action on President Clinton’s and Vice President Al Gore’s common sense gun control legislation which includes: trigger locks, smart guns, and background checks at gun shows.

We ought to be angered at the National Rifle Association (NRA) for its archaic and myopic view of this serious issue in our society. We ought to be angered at ourselves for not taking action — for not putting the people in the Congress who can and will fight the NRA. We ought to vote for common sense gun legislation in November!

Tom Blair

