ABC correspondent named endowed chair

Theresa Caon

Accomplished female journalist Carole Simpson has been chosen as the fourth chair holder of the Mary Louise Smith Endowed Chair in Women and Politics.

“One thing that we try to do is to bring in noted speakers,” said Dianne Bystrom, director of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics.

The Mary Louise Smith Endowed Chair in Women and Politics, which was created in 1995, is named after the prominent Iowa civic and political leader.

Bystrom said alumni began donating money in Smith’s name to bring speakers to Iowa State on an annual basis. She said in the past three years noted activists, scholars and political figures have been invited to speak at Iowa State, including Elizabeth Dole in 1999.

Bystrom said after researching candidates for this year, Simpson’s appeal was the broad range of areas she works with.

“[It’s] not only because she is senior correspondent for ABC News; she has also covered issues of minorities and families and continues to work on their behalf,” Bystrom said.

Julie Snyder-Yuly, administrative assistant for the Catt Center, said Simpson has worked hard for women.

“One reason [Simpson] was selected is because of her work on behalf of women and minorities,” she said. “She was also the vice chair of the Women’s Medical Foundation, and she has established scholarships for women and minorities in the journalism field.”

After teaching journalism at both Northwestern University in Chicago and Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, Simpson spent eight years hosting a women’s public affairs program and covering the U.S. Congress for NBC News. Simpson is currently a senior correspondent for ABC News and anchor of World Sunday.

Snyder-Yuly said Simpson is a notable example of a woman in political journalism.

Simpson’s visit April 10 will coincide with the Catt Center’s annual Strong-Minded Women reception, at which she will speak.

Snyder-Yuly said although the Mary Louise Smith chair and Strong-Minded Women’s reception are not directly related, they are linked because of the common theme of successful women.