Texas grandma deserved to die

Mark Davis

To the editor:

I’m writing this letter to inform everyone about the “poor, old grandma” who was executed in Texas. First off, she got exactly what she deserved.

No one ever wants to talk about what she did to get on death row, but it’s pretty amazing. Thirty-two years ago she murdered her fifth —yes, fifth — husband by shooting him in the back three times. Being the thoughtful and caring wife that she was, she decided to bury him next to husband No. 4, whom she had murdered earlier that year.

Apparently she was receiving large amounts of sympathy before she was executed because she was a grandma.

Well, oh my goodness, stop the execution!

She has grandkids. Who cares?Does the fact that she is a grandma suddenly make her innocent of the brutal murders that she committed?I don’t think so.

The fact of the matter is this case wouldn’t have gotten any press if it was a man being executed.

The only thing that disappoints me about this case is the fact that it took 30 years and millions of tax payers’ dollars for her to be executed. This problem could be solved by having a maximum term on death row of three years. This would save us millions of dollars.

So before you go and accuse Gov. Bush of being a heartless jerk who would execute a grandma, you should realize that being a grandma makes her no less guilty than if she was a ruthless drug-lord who was murdering innocent villagers in Columbia. Murder is murder.

Mark Davis

