Moss is wrong about how Varieties work

Michael Elskamp

To the editor:

I am writing this in response to Kyle Moss’ column about fixed awards, specifically the section about Varieties Sweepstakes.ÿ

While I understand and agree with Kyle’s claim that a skit that wins the majority of the smaller awards should be the clear winner, there is a good reason why it is seldom true.ÿ

The smaller awards (best vocals, music, choreography …) are awarded by the Varieties Central Committee.ÿ

This committee is made up of students, many of which have participated in Varieties at least one year.ÿ

VCC works directly with each group starting in September.ÿ

It would be easy to understand how they could develop favorites among the skits over the course of the year.

The final placing, on the other hand, is awarded by twelve judges made up of faculty and other respected community members.ÿ

All they know about a skit before the show is its title.ÿ

They have no idea what group is performing, much less the reputation of that group from years past.ÿ

It’s very easy to see how one skit can sweep the awards given by a committee that works so intimately with them throughout the year, yet gets third place from the judges who are judging them strictly on their performance.

Michael Elskamp



Varieties Director ’96-’97

VCC Co-Dramatics ’97-’98