Thank you for calling us ignorant, Stumpf, that was great

John Readout

To the editor:

I would like to thank Mr. Stumpf for writing his letter to the editor in which he referred to Jeremy Dea and I as ignorant. I would also like to thank him for looking past the content of our letters and finding three statements that Jeremy and I wrote to base his article and his opinion of us on.

In his letter, Mr. Stumpf advised readers of the Daily not to read a column if we have realized that it is crap. You have a point Mr. Stumpf; I have read Mr. Woell’s column in the past and know that he seldom writes anything worth while.

For that reason I do not usually read Mr. Woell’s column.

However, while talking to a friend of mine, he advised me to read Mr. Woell’s outrageous article. I listened to my friend and read the article.

The level of bigotry and self-centeredness was not at all surprising and was reason enough for me to write a letter to voice my opinion.

If you don’t like my opinion, fine, but you had better know a person before you judge them as ignorant. After all, judging someone as ignorant after reading about 400 words of their writing is not exactly an intelligent decision.

Also, Mr. Stumpf took his time to explain to Mr. Dea and myself the concept of the electoral college. I would like to thank Mr. Stumpf for expressing his interest in my education when he so kindly explained the concept of the electoral.

However, I did go to high school, and I was therefore required to take a class on government. So thanks for your concern, Mr. Stumpf.

But you did not do anything other than explain something that did not need to be explained.

I never stated that the president was elected by popular election. My letter was not talking about a popular election and neither was Mr. Woell when he asked; “Do you really want someone who can’t make up his or her mind in McDonald’s deciding who will be the next leader of the free world?” Both Mr. Woell and I were referring to the electorates in the Electoral College. The Electoral College should not be a collection of life-long politicians but instead should be a collection of intelligent citizens. That simple concept was what I tried to express in my article.

Mr. Stumpf, the next time you judge someone as ignorant, go about it in an intelligent way and make sure you have something significant to base your opinion on.

John Readout


Agricultural engineering