Woell, go back where you came from

John Readout

To the editor:

In response to Aaron Woell’s Jan. 26 column, I could not read it without wondering why the Daily continues to publish your terrible columns.

You called the family farm a “cultural icon of America.” The family farm is not only one of the cornerstones of our country but a way of life for thousands.

Surely you can understand the most economical choice is not always the best choice for the American people.

You also made a point in your article that electing the leader of our nation should be left up to politicians and so called “experts.”

The people of the United States are responsible for electing a president for a good reason; if people like you ran the country, we would no longer be the greatest nation in the world. Instead, we would be slaves of people like you who think they are the greatest thing to happen to this nation since Jell-O.

You also stated that the “Iowa caucuses demonstrated just how out of touch the state is with the rest of the nation. Instead of close races, we had large margins of victory.” Who are you to say that the political race must be close? Iowa is a wonderful state, why is it important that we follow what the rest of the nation does? Look at the crimes that headline the news in other states. It isn’t a stretch to say Iowans might know a thing or two.

If you think Iowa is out of touch and democracy is a sham, move back to Illinois or a different country. Either way, I believe I speak for the majority when I say that I wouldn’t be too upset if I never had to read one of your opinion columns ever again.

John Readout


Agricultural engineering