Lachiniski incorrect

Chris Benson

To the editor:

I’m very disappointed that Ms. Lachinski sent her letter to the Daily considering she didn’t check any facts before writing.

It was the Government of the Student Body, not the Inter-Residence Hall Association, that funded the bus shelter she spoke of.

Towers voted to fund the Brown Route themselves after considering the proposal made to them by the Department of Residence. It was an unfortunate fact that the Brown Route was no longer going to be free no matter what IRHA said, so Towers decided it was more economical to pay for the route themselves. With the DOR unable to continue funding the Brown Route, Towers felt that their best option was to pay $37 for a Brown Route pass instead of $66 for a reduced pass for all bus routes.

I recommend people check their facts and speak to their elected representatives before making accusations based on misinformation.

Chris Benson


Animal science