Sign that petition

Justin Hare

To the editor:

I urge all students and faculty to support the petition calling for a review of President Jischke’s administration. Iowa State’s primary purpose is to educate students, not to maximize profits.

Jischke’s administration is more interested in getting money by hiring professors who bring in research grants but may not have good teaching skills. In the short run, Iowa State will see more cash. It will also see a higher dropout rate. Students won’t be taught well in basic classes and will have difficulty as their classes get tougher. Many who graduate will be idiots, never challenged or inspired by great teachers.

The administration is selling our personal information to private companies for marketing purposes. Remember the Chef’s Inn e-mails?

Jischke is even whoring out our beverage options to Coca-Cola for a little extra chump change.

A number of my professors have made disparaging remarks about Jischke’s regime, particularly regarding faculty-administration relations.

Students need to take action because most faculty members are afraid of being fired for voicing their discontent.

Students have in the past tried to affect the administration, but they have never been taken seriously. The September 29th Movement was brushed off.

Veishea was pronounced alcohol-free despite student protest including a full-blown riot, which the administration attributed to spring fever.

Now that faculty members have mustered the courage to initiate the petition, any and all student support will be taken seriously. If you don’t approve of Jischke’s administration, now is the time to take action.

Justin Hare


Journalism and computer science