I’ve never seen any fear and repression

Dean Ulrichson

To the editor:

The petition calling for the evaluation of President Jischke by the Board of Regents was an unpleasant surprise. The Faculty Senate at Iowa State University supports healthy, open debate of all issues affecting faculty and ISU personnel. Circulating such a petition is not a way to develop healthy debate.

The petition suggests that Iowa State is emphasizing research and fund raising too heavily, deemphasizing teaching and not listening to faculty.

I address each of these suggestions.

The Board of Regents conducts annual reviews of each of the university presidents and the allegations in this petition are not supported by any specifics that would be useful in a reevaluation.

On the contrary, there are many examples of actions by President Jischke that refute the allegations.

The Faculty Senate also conducts a review of each of the top administrators every five years. The review of President Jischke was completed two years ago. Faculty were asked to complete a survey regarding the president’s performance and the response was overwhelmingly positive.

Undergraduate education has been supported by President Jischke through initiatives such as the formation of the Center for Teaching Excellence, increased support of the Instructional Technology Center and the creation of a new position of Vice Provost for Undergraduate Programs. Improved teaching is supported by the new promotion and tenure policy which is supported by both the president and the provost.

Iowa State is a land-grant university with a mission of teaching, research and extension. Many of the faculty are here because they share a measure of prestige by being associated with a university that has an excellent reputation in research and extension.

The president is available to faculty in many ways: open breakfasts and lunches, radio talk shows, visits to colleges, visits to faculty senate meetings, open forums on the strategic plan, etc. I encourage ISU employees to take advantage of these means of communication.

I have heard no evidence of “fear and repression” from any source except this petition.

Dean Ulrichson


Chemical engineering


ISU Faculty Senate