Keep it clean, ISU

Renate R. Mai-Dalton

To the editor:

I was one of the few women’s basketball fans from Kansas who was in Hilton Coliseum Feb. 17, and I am writing this letter to you with a heavy heart.

I have come to Ames for games for almost 20 years and have enjoyed the hospitality of the Ames motels, restaurants and people; but last night, it seems that the spirit of sportsmanship was badly violated.

The Des Moines Register reported a quote from Kansas coach Marion Washington, in which she expressed her disappointment that the players had been treated badly.

I heard a lot of it, too, including taunts and insults at this coach of 27 years who has spent her life to improve the condition for young women to be able to play basketball.

I always thought that we fans were in this together. Not anymore. What sounds like a slight complaint by the coach was really viciousness by some fans.

I will not tell you what was said to whom, because it was too painful, but any time a player leaves an arena after a victory and a fan yells at her that he “will go home to rape your mother,” the line has been crossed. The same goes for racial comments that I will not repeat here.

I urge you to ask your fans, who are decent and interested in sportsmanship, to report such incidents to your security personnel.

People who behave in this fashion should not be permitted back in the arena for the remainder of the season.

Please ask your readers to keep our sport clean that it builds character rather than tear young people down.

Renate R. Mai-Dalton


Lawrence, Kans.