Say what?

Matt Billock

To the editor:

In response to Dan Johnson’s column “Dark Matters” in the Feb. 3 Daily, I have one question: Say what?

I was confused about Mr. Johnson’s purpose. Did he wish to ridicule the new theory? Was he simply musing about life with a rewind button? Or was he aching for a forum in which he could spout off several political beliefs to the background of unintelligible nonsense?

If he was ridiculing the theory, that’s all well and good. But let’s take a look at other theories that have been ridiculed: Columbus’ belief that the world is round, the belief in one God rather than many and earth not being the center of the universe.

Laugh all you want while talking about “ingesting your own vomit in reverse time.”

But keep in mind how you’re going to look when the theory is documented, proven, published and archived.

Maybe future historians will look back on Mr. Johnson’s column in the light that we now see every person that thought the world was flat.

Matt Billock


Pre-computer science