Hartwig WAY off

Dave Stumpf

To the editor:

I am astounded to hear a Christian make a statement like Kent Hartwig did in his Feb. 2 letter. People do not need Christ if their material needs are attended to by the state?

In other words, the only role of religion is to allow a person to pray for personal property, which is abolished by communism. Religion has nothing to do with seeking enlightenment or salvation.

Mr Hartwig goes on to to explain how welfare leads to dependency, loss of work ethic and loss of pride.

He fails to address the issue of health care for children. Why would Christ not want us to see to the health of our nation’s children?

Hartwig also said, “The government cannot solve people’s problems, you solve your own problems.” I can’t even begin to understand what would lead a person to make a statement like this.

The government exists solely to solve problems. The issue is not whether government can solve people’s problems, but which problems we want the government to solve.

Why should we not follow the rest of the first world and nationalize health care?

Hartwig fails to address Godar’s Biblical citation, “If thou wilt be perfect, go, sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven.” (Matthew 19:21).

Jesus doesn’t say “give to the poor, unless YOU think it will lead to their becoming dependent on your aid,” or “give to the poor, unless YOU think it will hurt their pride.”

He says to give everything you have to the poor. Christians, these are the words of your GOD! Please explain to me how this passage can be interpreted to mean anything but what Mr. Godar suggests.

Dave Stumpf

