Gonzales a misguided Latino

Eddie Diaz

To the editor:

In response to Andy Gonzales’ column “Voting Republican is actually good for minorities,” I respect Andy, but after reading his column, I must conclude that his conservative beliefs have clouded his judgement on minority issues. Although most of his arguments have serious flaws, I will stick to his comments on minorities for brevity.

The Republican and Democratic parties both have a vision for a diverse and unified America. However, they have very different ways of showing it. One has a history of championing the rights of under-represented groups, while the Republicans have a record of creating obstacles and dismantling programs for minorities.

Anti-immigrant and anti-civil rights legislation supported by Republicans sweeps the nation. And minorities should vote Republican?

Only two presidential candidates have supported the NAACP’s attempt to bring down the Confederate flag in South Carolina: Al Gore and Bill Bradley. Both Republican candidates have avoided the question with rhetoric about states’ rights. Only the Democrats have shown the courage to take a stand on this controversial issue.

The Confederate flag represents Southern heritage and, that heritage is slavery and racism. The failure of Republicans to denounce this flag represents silent acceptance. And minorities should vote Republican?

An issue of great concern to Latinos is the English Only Movement. George W. Bush hides his true intentions with politically correct phrases such as “English Plus,” but this masks the fact that this is what already exists and more laws wouldn’t do any good.

A proposal by a Republican in the Iowa senate states, “The official language of the state shall be English and all official proceedings, and records, and publications shall be in the English language.” Is this not what already exists? The State of the State address by Gov. Vilsack was in English, so legislation just creates division by instilling fear.

The English Only Movement is simply about xenophobia, nativism and prejudice against Latinos. And minorities should vote Republican?

If Andy really examined his ethnic past, he’d realize that Democrats have supported the concerns of systematically disenfranchised groups.

Eddie Diaz


Political science