GSB party not a waste

Luke Dekoster

To the editor:

Lost in the tempest created by Elton Wong (and others) about the Government of the Student Body “blowing money on private shindigs” is a thoughtful, rational comparison of hard numbers.

It’s easy to knock GSB for spending the “outrageous” sum of $2,591.08 on an inauguration dinner until you consider some other numbers.

This year’s fall enrollment was 26,110 students, so our “party” will cost each ISU student approximately 9.92 cents. Not exactly rampant government waste.

GSB spends about $1 million every year on students. We fund clubs, area nonprofit groups and scads of organizations benefitting students.

Less than half of 1 percent of the GSB budget will go for our “wasteful” dinner.

Inauguration 2000 will “recognize those individuals who have served the students over the past year.” That’s directly from the funding bill.

We’re not blowing student fees on beer, a DJ and a mosh pit. It’s a chance to say thanks to those in student government who work as many as 30 or 40 hours a week, sacrificing grades and social lives to help improve Iowa State.

Mr. Wong, if you’re so cynical about the whole process, you should have run for office without taking the matching funds. No one was forcing you to take student money.

In the future, please refrain from whining and actually do something if you want to help students at Iowa State.

Luke DeKoster


Journalism and mass communication

GSB Senator for RCA