How about equality?

Colin Burnett/Scott Knight

To the editor:

For those of you who have been keeping up on local politics, you would know that funding for the Brown Route is being handed to the TRA.

The Brown Route was created specifically to cover the Towers and should be paid for by its residents. In fact, several people sigh with relief because they no longer have to spend their money on the Brown Route when they don’t use it.

With that said, Government of the Student Body recently voted to build a $125,000 shelter for the Orange Route. It is unfortunate that commuters have to stand out in sub-freezing temperatures while waiting for a bus.

However, why is it that Towers residents are forced to pay for this shelter? It’s only fair that we don’t. Commuters don’t ride the Brown Route, so why should they pay for it? And by the same token, why should Tower residents pay for an Orange Route shelter?

If equality is kept in mind, there are only two solutions. The first would be to make everyone pay for everything. The second would be to make everyone pay for what they use or gain benefit from.

Given the situation with the Brown Route and the shelter, neither of the above solutions is being implemented. Therefore, this is an unfair situation for Towers residents.

To be completely equal, Towers residents should pay for the Brown Route and the Orange Route bus shelter should be paid for by those who use it.

Is equality too much to ask for?

Colin Burnett


Computer and electrical engineering

Scott Knight


Political science