Landscape architecture students set for job fair

Lindsay Snitker

The Design Building will be packed today for Landscape Architecture Career Days, an event that some participants believe is more congenial than similar fairs.

“[Past Landscape Architecture Career Days were] more personal, rather than just browsing and looking for free stuff,” said Paul Scheibelhut, junior in landscape architecture.

Joni Palmer, assistant professor of landscape architecture, agreed that Landscape Architecture Career Days are more amiable.

“[It’s] more of a group act than going booth to booth,” she said.

This process helps students become comfortable talking with professionals in the field, Palmer said, and it’s different from other departments’ Career Days.

Students listen to representatives give presentations about their firms and are then able to ask questions, she said. Students choose the presentations they want to attend and can then set up interviews with the firms they’re interested in.

The Career Days are also student-run, Palmer said. Students learn how to talk with professionals, how to organize an event and how to manage a budget.

“[They are] gaining an incredible amount of professional and practical experience,” she said.

Karen Ormsbee, organizer of the event, said Career Days gives students an opportunity to make contacts and learn what landscape architecture is really about.

“[It] makes you realize there’s more components than can be taught in the classroom,” she said.

Ormsbee, graduate student in landscape architecture, said non-majors may be confused as to what landscape architecture entails.

“A lot of people think of it as mowing your lawn. It’s planning, building, construction and so much more,” she said.

Landscape Architecture Career Days will be held today in the College of Design Atrium and Auditorium from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.