Raitt + Indigo Girls = Political Dynamos

Anna Creech

To the editor:

In an Iowa State Daily opinion piece on the LPFM decision, Erik Hoversten wrote: “The most notable musicians were Bonnie Raitt and the Indigo Girls — not exactly political dynamos.”

Uh, yeah, whatever.

Despite their folky image (perpetuated by music critics who never bother to really listen to a CD), Amy Ray and Emily Saliers have been political activists from the beginnings of their musical careers, and perhaps even earlier.

Most recently, Ms. Ray has been advocating for the LPFM movement. This includes making statements at concerts and sending flyers along with orders from her label, Daemon Records.

I realize that this comment comes from an opinion piece, but perhaps in the future your writers will do a little research before they stick their feet in their mouths.

Anna Creech


Harrisonburg, Va.

Lachinski incorrect