Readout, Dea ignorant

Dave Stumpf

To the editor:

I have a bit of advice for the readers of the Daily.

If you don’t like somebody’s column, DON’T READ IT!

I can hardly believe that anybody can seriously say that they “had to read one of your opinion columns,” as John Readout claims in his Feb. 1 letter.

You made the decision to read Woell’s column; apparently you have done so a number of times already.

You should know what to expect. You have no one to blame but yourself; accept the responsibility.

Readout and Jeremy Dea also take issue with Woell’s “elitist” views.

Dea claims that the idea of picking a president by political and economic elites is “barely to the right of Stalin and Castro.”

Readout says, “The people of the United States are responsible for electing a president for a good reason.”

I would like to take this opportunity to explain the concept of the “electoral college” to Readout and Dea, since they are apparently not familiar with it.

Presidents are not determined by popular election.

The people vote on electors (Woell’s experts); the electors vote on the president.

This is not a Stalinist concept, it is a Constitutional one.

In closing, I’d like to thank both of Woell’s attackers for their ignorant letters, which served only to make his point absolutely clear.

I am certainly grateful that, thanks to the wisdom of the Framers of the Constitution, people such as these do not have the power that they believe they do.

Dave Stumpf

