Criticism + Israel = anti-Semitism

Benjamin Rittgers

To the editor:

I am writing to discuss my disappointment that there are people on this campus that are still anti-Semites on this campus. I am referring to Jean-Pierre Taoutel’s Feb. 18 letter to the editor titled “Israel Out of Lebanon.”

He compared Israel to Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi invading of Kuwait to seize oil for economic interest to Israel’s measures to protect itself of unprovoked attacks from terrorists. Israel needs its security zones to protect it from the enemies that surround it.

Since 1948, Israel has received opposition from several nations that would fight its basic right to even be a nation.

Since 1948, Israel has had to put a lot of resources into defending itself from attacks. It is important for Israel to have a buffer zone to defend itself from attacks.

The nation of Lebanon harbors a group of terrorists called the Hezbollah. They commit vicious hate crimes against Israel. Mr. Taoutel pointed out these Israelis that were murdered were just soldiers.

Soldiers also have families who will miss them. Israel has a right to protect all its citizens from terrorist attacks by the Hezbollahs. Even if they are only soldiers.

It only makes sense for a country to the attack terrorist guerrilla’s hideouts. The result is fewer guerrillas who will attack Israeli citizens. Any country that fails to protect its citizens will not stand.

Israel has an even higher burden. It must stand against thousands of years of oppression.

Mr. Taoutel also attacked the United States’ policy toward Israel. This country should align itself with Israel. Anything else would be anti-Semitic.

We need to protect Israel because other countries are quick to jump to the sides of Israel’s enemies.

Israel constantly must defend itself from its evil neighbors who wish only for harm to fall on Israel. Whom would Hitler side with? Certainly not Israel.

That is why the United States must sell weapons of defense to Israel to defend against the Hitlers and the Hezbollahs. It is immoral to side with Israel’s enemies.

Benjamin Rittgers


Computer science