Shut up

Michelle Miller

To the editor:

We are mad. While in one of our classes today we had to do something we both hate to do. The people behind us were talking and we needed them to be quiet. One of us turned around and asked this non-traditional student to save her conversation for after class because it was annoying us. After class she approached us with comments that we should not talk to her like she was 16 and that we needed to treat her with more respect.

We need to treat her with more respect? We think she needs to treat us and the rest of the class, including the professor, with more respect.

Her sitting there talking during class was very disruptive to the learning atmosphere.

The main reason we are sending this in is to spark some discussion about the respect that students at Iowa State have for each other and professors, and to ask all who read this, please respect everybody and not talk in class. Either go to class early, talk after class, skip class, call your friend, whatever. Some of us are here to learn so please let us.

Jeff Bennett


Agricultural systems technology

Michelle Miller

