Gore knows farming

Tom Harkin

To the editor:

During the weeks leading up to the caucuses, I will be traveling across the state to talk with Iowans about Al Gore’s record of leadership on issues important to Iowa such as agriculture. I believe electing Gore is important for Iowa, and I intend to carry that message to all Iowans.

Gore has a long record of supporting agriculture and rural America.

When Gore discusses farm and rural issues it is evident that he knows what he is talking about and his heart is in it. Gore has been close to agriculture and rural America all of his life. It is obvious that others are newcomers to this subject.

Gore served with me in the House and in the Senate. I have worked with him for seven years as he served as vice president.

He has worked alongside me all those years for what is best for rural America, all through the farm crisis of the 1980s, through later farm policy battles, in support of rural economic development, in support of disaster assistance, in support of ethanol, in support of crop insurance, and the list goes on.

I could always count on Gore. But in so many instances, other candidates were on the other side of the fight, or nowhere to be found.

We are in the midst of a severe downturn in the farm and rural economy.

We must have someone in the White House who knows about agriculture and rural America and who has a proven record of fighting for what is important to the people who live and work on farms and in smaller communities. We cannot afford to have a president who just crammed at the last minute before the test of the Iowa caucuses.

Tom Harkin

United States Senator

Washington, D.C.