We have an oligarchy

Mike Seager

To the editor:

Aaron Woell urged us not to vote and leave the decisions to the experts. He implied that the majority of the U.S. population are idiots and can’t be trusted to make such an important decision.

He was somewhat right. The people aren’t idiots, but they are easily brainwashed by those in power. Therefore his solution of having the “experts” make our decisions is extremely dangerous.

The “experts” and politicians don’t make judgments based on what’s good for the nation, as Woell implies. They make judgments on what is good for their pocketbook.

The candidates are puppets that take the views of the highest bidder. We don’t have a democracy, we have an oligarchy with the rich in power.ÿ

The “common” person can’t run for president because they can’t afford to compete with the rich. We saw this earlier when candidates dropped out of the race for financial reasons.ÿ

The people who run this county aren’t the Washington politicians, they are the rich who can buy a Washington politician.ÿUnfortunately, the common people, idiots or not, can’t afford a politician of their own.ÿ

We have no voice, no matter what politicians way. We are tricked into believing we do by corporations that own everything.

So what is the solution?ÿIt certainly isn’t not voting. Apathy just makes it easier for us to be controlled. The solution is educating yourself beyond what you’ve been brainwashed into believing. Do some research. Find out what the papers don’t tell you. At this point, the only solution is voting for the lesser evil. The more educated we become, the harder we will be to control.

Mike Seager

