Marxists are lazy slobs

Tim Kelly

To the editor:

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” as quoted by Gary Sudborough is the most ridiculous phrase ever put to paper.

No such thing will ever happen, nor should it. Why?

Because someone else will always be determining for you what your ‘need’ is.

It is a documented FACT that the Socialism professed by Marx and Engels is an utter failure — regardless of the self-anointed elites that think it would succeed if only they were in charge of it.

Look only to the failure of it in North Korea, Kampuchea, Cuba, Eastern Europe and the former USSR.

Anyone who hails Marx as a hero is a lazy slob at heart. Marx failed to provide for his family and was merely a parasite to the Engels family in London.

No wonder he espoused others providing for his needs while sitting back on his amply fat, lazy haunches.

Tim Kelly

