Cartoon disrespects Confederate flag

Letter to the Editor

To the editor:

I am writing in response to “Poison Ink” by Carmen Cerra. It was on the proper display of the Confederate flag, which was seen as sitting in a toilet. I like your work for the most part, but I think you went a little overboard on this one. In many ways, it is disrespectful. How would you like it if someone drew up the same picture and in place of the stars and bars put the stars and stripes?

While I must say I am from the North and had relatives who fought during the Civil War for the North, I also realize the sacrifice both sides gave up during this war. I don’t believe the Confederate flag should be displayed for any state, especially at the capital. My reasoning for this is that it creates segregation, separation and racism in the United States.

I served four years in the United States Navy, which allowed me to be stationed in Biloxi, Miss., and Norfolk, Va. During this time, I realized the Confederate flag had meaning in different ways to other people.

Many people are proud of the Confederate flag because it is a piece of their family history, especially those who lost a war that they believed in at the time. It is the right of those families to display it on their property because of their family sacrifices, although that is where the flag should stay. Showing it at the state capitol as a state flag represents there is still separation of “one nation under God” in the United States.

Your picture, Carmen, causes more hate and disrespect for those families. Do you think if you published that picture in Virginia or Mississippi people would be happy?

Many people also believe that slavery was the main or only cause of the Civil War. As my history teacher in Eldora said, “Slavery was just one of the many reasons for the war.”

In many instances, males make higher wages. Women can’t serve in combat. If you look at the U.S. Census, compare the population to who is in managerial positions in this country or even government positions.

Before the Civil War, the country was going through an economic revolution. Northern businesses became more important than Southern agriculture. Anyone who is a farmer from Iowa should understand that concept. There was also major change in political power to the Northern States.

They both had conflicting interests such as cotton production for exports while the North liked producing its own. Anyone who understands economics understands this problem.

The North forced tariffs to protect manufacturers which hurt the South. So, you see, your picture does not show the truth but only an inappropriate display of a flag.

Mark See


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