Caucus fever

Letter to the Editor

Every time we attempt to guilt and cajole Iowa State students into doing their civic duty, we end up with a slew of letters criticizing us for our attempts.

In an effort to show we are paying attention, we want to congratulate Iowa State students for showing up in record numbers to make sure that this very important part of the political process went smoothly.

It is so often that we find ourselves in direct confrontation with apathy and issues requiring the attention of the student body that we come off looking like a bunch of nags.

Well, never let it be said that the Daily Editorial Board is incapable of giving credit where it is so richly deserved.

You guys rocked the vote and for that, you should be proud.

In more than one precinct, there was a shortage of registration cards. What’s up with that? You exceeded the wildest expectations of the kind of wide-eyed optimists that run these events.

Those people never run out of cards because they think so highly of the democratic process.

The caucuses are an oftentimes overlooked part of the process, too.

In spite of the heavy coverage on all channels, many voters just don’t think to take part until much later.

Many of us feel it is our duty to vote in an election but fail to realize that the caucus is where it all starts.

Not only do you get to choose your party’s candidate, but you pick who will represent your precinct at the next level and possibly at the national convention.

The caucus is the point where you get to help decide what issues are important to you.

You get to send a message to those “fat cats in Washington” about what matters to you.

If you want universal health care, this is the point where you get to say it loudly and clearly and proactively before the bitter disappointment of reality has a chance to set in.

If you want your candidate to have “lower taxes” on his official platform, the caucus is the time to let him know — not after he gets into office when it is too late for him do anything about it.

It is an exciting time for those who know and love the process we call democracy to be alive, and the entire campus turned out to show how much they care.

Good job, Iowa State!

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Sara Ziegler, Greg Jerrett, Kate Kompas, Carrie Tett and David Roepke.