Alcohol ban more government control

Jeff Brinkman

To the editor:

I was disturbed to hear that a member of the Iowa House of Representatives has proposed a ban on alcohol in all Iowa college dorms.

To some, especially those of us out of college, this sounds like a good idea. To others, you may see this for what it is. This is another way for government to control more aspects of our lives.

To say certain halls or certain floors are alcohol- and smoke-free is fine — people can choose to live there or somewhere else. But to say there is too much underage drinking, this is our only option is a bunch of crap.

There are laws to deal with underage drinking. Enforce them instead of just passing more laws.

If people don’t stand up and voice their opinions, where will it stop? Next will come no off-campus drinking. The bars regulated by the government will close. Students caught drinking off campus will be punished by the university (much like Veishea now), and so on.

Eventually, prohibition will be brought back, and that will work as well as it once did.

The fact of the matter is that we can’t afford to let politicians make laws that take away our liberties. We elect these people; they work for us.

Remember that in November, and think about that now. Call the governor’s office today at (515) 281-5211 or the Iowa House of Representatives at (515) 281-3221 and voice your opinions.

Jeff Brinkman



1997 alumnus