Fun candidate facts!

Charles B. Hathaway

To the editor:

How much do voters actually know about the candidates running for president? Eight official New Hampshire primary candidates are described and quoted below. Can you identify them?

1. Texan with military experience who promises to “work to keep Social Security intact and improve the system to better serve those who need this protection.”

2. Ivy League-educated lawyer and former radio station manager who has declared that, “No bill laden with quid-pro-quo pork barrel spending will get my signature.”

3. Native of Buffalo, N.Y., who seeks to ban partial-birth abortions and supports nationalization of our railways.

4. Corporate president who wants to “break up companies with more than a 15 percent market share.”

5. Harvard graduate and former Ford Foundation fellow who believes “primaries should not begin before April 1st and should last for only two months.”

6. Minnesota resident whose current campaign will be the subject of a documentary film and whose agenda calls for “a living wage, a 30-hour work week and full employment.”

7. East Coast native who served in the U.S. Army and proposes “a flat tax on wealth and the elimination of the income tax.”

8. Graduate of Harvard law school “committed to solving the big problems facing our country rather than micro-managing its citizens through burdensome regulations.”

Answers at

Charles B. Hathaway


Tenafly, N.J.