Winter weather finally strikes

Theresa Caon

Hopes for a mild winter and an early spring were shattered Wednesday as a storm dumped 6 inches of snow on Ames.

When ISU students woke up and looked out their windows Wednesday morning, they were greeted by a virtual winter wonderland. Despite some speculation that classes would be canceled, they weren’t, and some students were frustrated with the frigid weather conditions.

“I really hate the snow,” said Aaron Jacobs, senior in accounting. “I can’t wait to move to Vegas in May.”

While some ISU students did not even attempt to attend class, others jumped in their cars or on the bus to make it to campus.

“It was bad enough to have to uncover my car this morning,” said Molly Niemeier, senior in art and design. “The streets weren’t plowed yet either, through Ames or on campus.”

As the snow fell through the late morning and into early afternoon, some ISU students remained optimistic that afternoon classes would still be canceled.

“I made it to morning classes, but I think that they should cancel all night classes because of the danger of driving,” said Jill Grinstead, junior in transportation and logistics.

Eric Biga, employee at CyRide, said the buses ran on schedule without many problems.

“Typically on days like this, we see quite an increase in the number of passengers,” Biga said. “They have been doing pretty good, and there have not been any accidents.”

Just as CyRide received additional passengers, the number of calls to the Department of Public Safety increased as well.

Jaegar reported that there were some accidents but not many.

“People tend to drive with more caution in this type of weather, and things move slower,” he said.

According to the National Weather Service in Des Moines, cold temperatures with blowing snow are expected today and Friday, with highs between 20 and 25. The extended forecast for Saturday brings another possibility for snow.